Category: GRADE 2
Our magic word in this process is patience. Let’s put aside our desire to get quick feedback from our children and continue to do our pattern studies patiently, by …
The Simple Past Tense The simple past tense is used for actions that started and finished at a specific time in the past. When using such verbs in sentences, …
Decoding with Shapes, Numbers, and Letters As children begin to learn how to read, one of the most important skills they develop is decoding. Decoding is the process of …
The Simple Present Tense, which is accepted as one of the basic tenses, is used for routine work that is always repeated and the expression of scientific facts. The …
The Simple Present Tense, which is accepted as one of the basic tenses, is used for routine work that is always repeated and the expression of scientific facts. The …
The Simple Present Tense, which is accepted as one of the basic tenses, is used for routine work that is always repeated and the expression of scientific facts. The …
The reading comprehension skill gained in the primary school years affects all of the student’s learning in a positive or negative way throughout his/her life. While this effect reflects …
Picture Analogies In picture analogy questions, the relation between two figures is analyzed and the answer figure is chosen considering the same relation with the third image. Our picture …
Picture Analogies In picture analogy questions, the relation between two figures is analyzed and the answer figure is chosen considering the same relation with the third image. Our picture …
Picture Analogies In picture analogy questions, the relation between two figures is analyzed and the answer figure is chosen considering the same relation with the third image. Our picture …