Category: GRADE 2
Expressions that show the equal parts of a whole and can be written as a/b are called fractions. While showing fractions, a fraction line is drawn in the middle, …
Time scales are not easy for children to grasp. In addition, various studies show that the concept of time does not emerge spontaneously but can be acquired with a …
Time scales are not easy for children to grasp. In addition, various studies show that the concept of time does not emerge spontaneously but can be acquired with a …
ACTIVITIES, Coloring, Fractions, G1-Activities, G1-Coloring, G1-Fractions, G1-Math, G2-Fractions, G2-Math, GRADE 1, GRADE 2, MATH
Expressions that show the equal parts of a whole and can be written as a/b are called fractions. While showing fractions, a fraction line is drawn in the middle, …
Multiplication is a practical way of adding. We can find the result of the sum of 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 by multiplying …
Materials that have the property of attracting or repelling objects such as cobalt, nickel, or iron and those made of these materials are called magnets. There are two different …
The fact that punctuation marks are not used correctly and in place is the biggest factor that disrupts the integrity of meaning. For this reason, it is necessary to …
The fact that punctuation marks are not used correctly and in place is the biggest factor that disrupts the integrity of meaning. For this reason, it is necessary to …
The fact that punctuation marks are not used correctly and in place is the biggest factor that disrupts the integrity of meaning. For this reason, it is necessary to …
The fact that punctuation marks are not used correctly and in place is the biggest factor that disrupts the integrity of meaning. For this reason, it is necessary to …